[Read.GAZF] Peace Book to Fight Evil includes Jobs
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There’s individual peace which is peace of mind, living with yourself without getting hung up on capitalist brainwash, always fretting about not having enough.There’s peace of the human race, people not killing each other en-masse as groups, live and let live. I’m not talking about squabbles among individuals. I’m talking about people in tribes, countries, cultures and groups not banding together to attack another group. It shouldn’t be hard to do. The one world government idea was popular in the 1930s but they neglected one thing; we don’t want a dictatorlike one world government that controls us all.If you want to get really advanced, we go one step further and leave the animals alone too. We don’t need to eat meat. There is plenty of food from the flora and fauna of the Earth. My plan is that two things will pretty well destroy all wars and bring peace to the human race but I’m not naïve. Most people are scared wage slaves. They don’t have the guts to demand change. The elitists who run the world own the mass media. They can manipulate the people very easily by putting anything they want on the media and most people will believe it. There is fake manufactured news and false flag operations:1.) All governments in all nations go from the phony representative democracies they are now to rule by the people online. I call this the People Power Program. If the people vote for everything issue-by-issue, they will vote the military away and never vote to fight in a war.2.) The government therefore the people control the money in their country not like now where in most countries, the central bank s owned and run by private bankers and the commercial banks are owned and operated by private bankers who all have the power to create money out of nothing through a system called fractional reserve banking so they create money out of thin air then lend it to governments and people as mortgages, car loans, etc. If the government of every nation create their own central bank then create their own commercial chartered banks to put the private banks out of business, the government therefore the people would own all the money so the profit motive of war by private bankers will be gone. This will go far in ending wars which are all manufactured dramas created by rich elitists to expand their power and wealth.A Buddhist guy on youtube said if you worry that your government is corrupt and evil, you’ll never be happy because that’s the way it is, that’s the way it has always been. The human race is massively evil. It will not change until the people take control of the power. I’m not talking B.S. representative democracies. I’m talking People Power Program as I talk about at the end of most of my books and at tonykel.com. The next giant step is for the evolution of the human race which will happen at some point in time is that we, the people, take control of ruling ourselves through online creating and voting on the ideas/ bills, not having phony representatives who pander to getting votes to get elected then sell their votes to lobbyists in their council.Until we get the guts to get together harmoniously to do that, you can’t fight the big corrupt elitist machine that runs the world so I don’t fight it anymore except through my writings. I try to live a happy life for me. I can’t fight the world of evil people. The good ones end up in jail on trumped-up charges or dead. Look at Snowden. A nation should not have secrets. He’s a hero but they make him look like a traitor, traitor to what, a bunch of pro-war fatcats somewhere. The people en-masse have to wake up to the point where they’re ready to unite to change the world. Right now, if you go by facebook likes, the pop culture celebrity realm has got all the activist leaders beat in spades a thousand times over. As long as people keep following sports and entertainment as opposed to what’s really goin’ in, the human race will g World Peace Through Technology Inspiring world peace ... The World Peace Through Technology Organization is proud to present the 17th annual How Weird Street Faire on Sunday May 1 2016. This year's faire will focus on ... International News Latest World News Videos & Photos ... Yahoo!-ABC News Network 2017 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. Freedom Movement Bibliography Civil Rights Movement bibliography ... Freedom Movement Bibliography. See also: Books Written by Freedom Movement Veterans Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter 2017 Twitpic Inc All Rights Reserved. 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